You Are Very
We are a LIVING, LOVING, LEARNING COMMUNITY with JESUS at the heart. OLLBC aspires to be a place that enables everyone in the community to engage with God’s heart and experience FULL LIFE. Our desire is for everyone to THRIVE, to always feel WELCOMED, to and HEALING, to experience FREEDOM, and to continue to LEARN.
We are a fun, supportive, family church with people from all ages of the community coming together to share God’s love.
We strive to be a pillar of support and beacon of light in and with our community and we welcome YOU into our family with open arms.
Worshiping God
Food Stop
We believe that everybody should thrive and enjoy a full life but for many people in our community, this is not the case!
Community Hub
Learn more about our activities during the week
Our Story
Old Lodge Lane Baptist Church was officially opened in July 1959 but the OLLBC story begins back in 1949 when Mr. Vernon and Mrs. Connie Vail, members of Purley Baptist Church in Banstead Road, started a Sunday School in their home for children in and around Old Lodge Lane. As the 1950s progressed the school grew to the point where there was hardly enough room for all the children.
Support this church by hiring one of our halls
At Old Lodge Lane our church building is extremely valuable to us and the community. We rely on the halls and the venue to hire out to businesses or personal people who need the space. Our modest fees then go a really long way to enabling us to support the community. We have hired out the hall to many types of scenarios like pilates class, mental health classes, birthday parties, and business meetings to name a few. Old Lodge Lane Baptist Church has two well-equipped halls that are available for hire at attractive rates.

Events Calendar
We have a number of other meetings and activities during the week that you are welcome to join
Discovering God in all his power and glory, and practicing walking with him on our journey.
Reedham Park Ave, Purley
CR8 4BQ, England
Old Lodge Lane Baptist Church
Reedham Park Ave, Purley
CR8 4BQ, England